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From classical music to jazz and free master classes and jam sessions, the Community Arts Program Summer Concert Series gets its groove on every Thursday in Coral Gables.
Three Miami Arts organizations came together to create a three-night performance to celebrate three influential figures in Miami's history.
WEG Weekend is not your typical film festival - while celebrating great films, the focus is on conversations with filmmakers, and seeing their inspirations and processes.
The 15th annual Spoken Soul Festival at the Arsht Center showcases talented poets bringing attention to the unique challenges women face today - a reminder that storytelling is a powerful tool in bringing about social change for women's rights.
What does it take to care for more than 200,000 museum objects? The skill of an art doctor.
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Cameron Basden Writer
Ana Maria Carrano Writer
Carolina del Busto
Christine Dolen Writer
Sean Erwin Writer
Jose Antonio Evora Writer
Florencia Franceschetti
Fernando Gonzalez Writer
Josie Gulliksen Writer & Outreach
Elizabeth Hanly Writer
Shanieya Harris Writer
Maité Hernández-Lorenzo
Taima Hervas Writer
Jonel Juste Writer
Jordan Levin Writer
Gina Margillo Writer
Douglas Markowitz Writer
Dennys Matos Writer
Sergy Odiduro Writer
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Erin Parish
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Alejandro Rios Writer
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Michelle F. Solomon Editor & Writer
Sebastián Spreng Writer
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Jesús Vega Writer
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