about Guillermo Perez

Guillermo Perez is a South Florida correspondent for Dance Magazine, Pointe and other dance publications. For several years he has contributed criticism, profiles, and news features to these and other arts media. He has covered travel for El Nuevo Herald and dance for Fort Lauderdale’s Sun Sentinel for nearly a decade. He taught criticism in the Dance Department of New World School of the Arts and holds a Doctorate in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of Florida, having specialized in Latin American theatre. Perez covers ballet for ArtBurst.

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A Nonconforming Ballet Heats Up Miami City Ballet’s ‘Winter...

Choreographer Pam Tanowitz reinvents the rules of ballet in the world premiere of "Coincident Dances," performed by the Miami City Ballet in its "Winter Mix" program at the Arsht Center opening Feb. 14.

Conversando con Pam Tanowitz sobre sus ‘danzas coincidentes...

“La vida es complicada y todo puede filtrarse dentro de una creación”, afirma la coreógrafa.

Miami City Ballet’s Swan Song For A Sugar Plum Fairy In ...

One of Miami City Ballet's principal dancers performs her swan song as Sugar Plum Fairy in the company's production of "George Balanchine's 'The Nutcracker.' "

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Un encuentro con el actor cubanoamericano Edward Juvier que interpreta a Osgood, el personaje que hizo Joe E. Brown en la película de 1959.

Miami City Ballet’s Reimagined ‘Midsummer’s Nig...

In Miami City Ballet’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” opening at the Arsht Center in Miami on Friday, Oct. 18, human and fairy worlds are entangled in a web of wonders

Carne Viva’s ‘Dame La Receta,’ A Dance to Feed the So...

One of South Florida’s newest dance-theater groups ready for exploration and soul searching with "Dame La Receta."

Conquistadores emergentes en el programa contemporáneo del Festiv...

Sobresalieron la sobriedad de la Rambert School Dance Company de Inglaterra y la alegría del Arles Youth Ballet de Francia.

Danza Clásica y Contemporánea en el Festival Internacional de Bal...

La 29ª edición del evento presenta compañías locales e invitadas.

International Ballet Festival of Miami, A South Florida Home for ...

The International Ballet Festival of Miami presents its 29th edition with companies from across the globe and right here at home.

Dimensions Dance Theatre Staging Two Premieres Plus Cuban’s...

With "Kaleidoscope," Dimensions Dance Theatre gets ready to show a range of colors in its summer program.