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Together, The Education Fund and Ocean Bank innovate to support the millions of students in the third-largest school district in the country.
Founded to address the needs of individuals with Down Syndrome, MLE has expanded to cover all exceptionalities. “Foremost, MLE is a school providing the same experiences for their students that students would experience at any school,” said Kevin Grace, Executive Director at MLE.
USPTO Patent Pro Bono provides vital resources to new inventors, with a goal to provide the best patent protection possible.
“Kudos to MIA for continuing to feature dynamic exhibitions like The Earth Laughs in Flowers, which provide passengers a colorful and entertaining diversion from the hustle and bustle of traveling.” (Mayor Daniella Levine Cava)
Clara Schumann, the wife of Robert Schumann, and Fanny Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn’s eldest sister, worked alongside their famous counterparts and produced some very creative and intriguing works.
Julia Tuttle, the Mother of Miami, is just days away from being homeless.
Visual Artist Roxy Sora reminds us: Never Give Up on Your Dreams.
The Storytelling Garden is a place where community residents can come and enjoy poetry readings from the small stage, watch a movie, or just enjoy some quiet time outdoors.
The mischievous little cherub is back with a quiver full of gleaming arrows, ready to take aim at the hearts of the unsuspecting. Will his golden arrow hit the mark?
Right in your backyard, a world-filled with adventure, creative expression, one-of-a-kind experiences and culture is waiting for you. Have you thought of being a tourist in your own city?
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Carolina del Busto
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