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One of the Arsht Center’s many initiatives in bringing art to its audiences is collaborating with Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
The diverse show will be at the Duncan Theatre in Lake Worth on Oct. 29 and at the New World School of the Arts Dance Theater in Miami from Oct. 30-31.
This year's event is more expansive than ever, with three weeks of events running through Aug. 15.
This year’s show will feature some of the greatest and most established classical ballets.
From large organizations such as Miami City Ballet to smaller, site-specific choreography, dance is outside, where the air is fresh, distancing is possible, and live dance can be seen and can thrive.
The first Miami International Queer Tango Festival, titled “Conexion,” has been rescheduled for October in Miami Beach.
Titled "Crossing," the performances will be Dec. 27-29 at Miami's Arsht Center.
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