
Resources for the Arts in these uncertain times

Written By Suzelle Moya
March 16, 2020 at 4:00 PM

By Suzelle Moya

It’s a weird time. Weird, dangerous, unknown, scary, uncertain, Twilight Zone-esque. So many words to describe America’s collective feelings in this unprecedented situation. It can be easy to get lost in headlines, news reports, and the general hysteria of it all. Are we being too alarmist? Not alarmist enough? This is uncharted territory for all of us. 

Performances, festivals, museum shows, gallery openings and arts gatherings- all postponed. Does art and culture even matter at a time like this? While it’s extremely important that as a community and a people we take the proper precautionary measures, it’s also important that we talk about the effects of the current pandemic in our field – the creative ecosystem. 

COVID-19 is very real. Our fears are justified. How will the art world come to terms with the ongoing situation and the new normal? Although many might say it is too soon to tell the consequences this virus will impose, history has taught us that pandemics shape social evolution. We know for sure that the virus will have a devastating impact on the bottom lines of many organizations. From loss of ticket revenue to paying costs for performances that are canceled the economic toll on the arts will be severe. 

But what about the business of art? The cultural community has a 1.4 billion dollar impact in Miami-Dade with over 1,000 non-profit arts groups and 16 million annual arts participants. The arts are one of the best ways to reflect on and even cope with challenging times. The arts and artists provide a reflection of our society and are a conduit to bring us together. Art and culture are vital to our humanity and have an immeasurable value. 

With so many events, performances and shows canceled or postponed let’s make time to explore our own creativity. If you are spending more time at home, connect with your creative side. Although you may not be attending a ballet show, an art exhibition- be it of your own volition or not- do not lose sight of its impact and importance. Don’t forget about art. Whether you are viewing it or creating it- keep the arts alive.


Another Limited Rebellion – Sketchbook Revival

Be a part of this FREE multi-day online event that’s starting soon! Sign up now and in the spirit of Creative Sprint® you’ll get daily emails featuring video workshops from March 23rd through April 3rd!  SIGN UP HERE.

Americans for the Arts – WEBINAR: Arts and Culture Sector can prepare for the Corona virus in the United States 

As the Coronavirus (COVD-19) continues to develop, it’s important that Local Arts Agencies and arts and culture organizations consider their preparedness, prevention, and response. Join members of Americans for the Arts’ staff, Ruby Lopez Harper, John Rubsamen, and Narric Rome, with Jan Newcomb, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response, Barbara Davis, Chief Operating Officer of The Actors Fund, and Rhonda Schaller, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Visiting Associate Professor at Pratt Institute to hear current information about actions to take, including: planning to consider, handling grant funded projects, managing stress during moments of crisis, and continuing to support artists. This briefing will also include an update on the status of congressional action on economic impact and stimulus funding and how it relates to the arts and cultural sector.

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

We understand that you are concerned about the impact the COVID-19 is having on your ability to serve the public with great arts activities. If you have cancelled or postponed events, please let us know through this link. The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau is continuing to work closely with us to promote ongoing activities and to alert the public to events that are not occurring. We encourage you to track any additional expenses that you may be incurring as a result of COVID-19 and also, any revenue loss that is attributable to this health threat. We promise to stay in touch and to provide these updates as the situation evolves.

Office of Emergency Management, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue

The Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs has provided several best practices that have been adopted at the County’s cultural facilities. These best practices are AVAILABLE HERE.

The Craft Emergency Response Fund has compiled resources for artists that will be impacted by COVID-19, DETAILS HERE.

There are several resources available for the County’s libraries and museums, these include:

· American Alliance of Museums

· International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection

· Association of Art Museum Directors

· Resources for Librarians is a nonprofit source of theater, dance, visual arts, music and performing arts news. Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a story.

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