COVID-19: A Letter from Arts & Business Council of Miami

Colleagues, Friends and Arts Enthusiasts:
We are living in dangerous and disturbing times. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all facing an unprecedented disruption of life in Miami-Dade and America. I hope you are staying alert, healthy and safe.
Art and its impact on society are invaluable to our well-being and priceless in every way. Miami-Dade’s extensive and diverse arts economy contributes to our community’s vibrancy and livability. We generate more than $1.4 billion in economic activity and more than 40,000 jobs. In normal times, more than 16 million participate in cultural activities. When “no show” means no income, the impact of COVID-19 will be devastating to our cultural ecosystem.
The Arts & Business Council has always been anchored by our unique intersection at the nexus of the corporate and cultural communities. For 35 years, we have led the movement to strengthen the cultural ecosystem with high-impact partnerships between business, entrepreneurs and the arts. As Miami’s only organization that leverages the arts for economic vitality, Arts Biz programs inspire business professionals to connect with the arts, stimulate innovation & foster creativity.
We are uniquely qualified to strengthen the arts and creative community as we respond to the overwhelming and damaging consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic through targeted workshops, curated connections to the business sector, audience development programs, pro bono business and legal consultations and coaching opportunities. We are dedicated to making the sector more productive, efficient and empowered.
Here are some highlights of innovative Arts Biz programs you can access to help solve challenges caused by the crisis and optimize opportunities now and after the pandemic has ended:
■pARTners Resource Newsletter: Knowledge is power. Sent weekly during the crisis, the newsletter provides essential information, curated assets, resources, case studies and tools for arts professionals, executives, artists and creative entrepreneurs. We also feature links to tools from our associates at Americans for the Arts, Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs and other national and inspirational programs we partner with. Artists and creatives are as important and relevant as all other workers in our economy. We will look for case histories and funding resources that can provide additional financial relief as a result of your disruptions and lost income during the pandemic.
■Miami Arts Marketing Project: Working with our MAMP Braintrust we are planning focused MAMP LABs on marketing and communications to amplify your message and engage your audience during and after the pandemic. Our Connecting with the Media Lab has moved online as a virtual program on March 31. Other Labs and MAMP roundtables are being planned for this spring and summer. Visit to see upcoming programs and sign up.
■MAMP Facebook Group: As we move into days of social isolation, self-quarantines, and who knows what else, we are all looking for ways to stay productive and connected. We host an online community of MAMP attendees and experts available to you on Facebook. The Facebook Group for MAMP 2020 was created to keep the conversation going. We will also be sharing resources, webinars, and livestream events that may provide helpful information as we navigate this difficult time.
■Artburst Miami: As Miami’s media hub for arts articles, features and blogs, we will assign some of our talented arts journalists to cover the impacts and opportunities from COVID-19. Email us your ideas for coronavirus stories and coverage.
■Refresh and Revitalize: Originally developed during the Great Recession, we are updating specialized workshops to focus on post-crisis recovery. The program includes our crucial cost-benefit analysis to help arts organizations make difficult budget decisions that are smart and targeted. Stay tuned – we will offer this workshop as soon as it is feasible.
■Arts Board Match: The board-centric website will feature blogs on how to activate your board to help your group through the impacts of the pandemic.
■Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts: Do you have a legal issue related to COVID-19? Apply online on our website and we will see if we can match you with one of our pro bono attorneys to help.
■Social Media: We are activating our platforms to showcase the arts during these difficult times. Email us your innovative virtual programs or any interesting info and photos. Make sure to tag us //ArtsBizMiami and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can cross promote your content.
The arts industry in Miami-Dade has weathered many challenges in the past and we trust our strong partnerships and close collaborations will be key to our recovery from COVID-19. We are all in this together. The staff, board and business volunteers of the Arts & Business Council are committed to working closely with you to not only survive but thrive.
Laura Bruney
CEO & President
Arts & Business Council of Miami