The cozy Saint Bede Chapel on the University of Miami campus provided the acoustic and spiritual ambience for pianist Yvonne Troxler’s intimate, but powerful piano concert. Swiss-born
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Here & Now 2014
The latest annual Here & Now Festival at Miami Light Project, commissioned works in progress, features performance,
Juraj Kojs’ ‘Signals’
Developed and performed at the Miami Theater Center, March 2014; video by Carlos Ochoa
Inner Loop
A Multi Generational Dance Tour on the Miami Metromover. Directed by Gabriel Forestieri, and danced by 20
Ekphrasis Four: ABDUCTED by Dance Now Miami [Recap & commentary]
This video presents excerpts from the performance: Ekphrasis Four at the Bass Museum of Art by Dance
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Cameron Basden Writer
Ana Maria Carrano Writer
Carolina del Busto
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Sean Erwin Writer
Jose Antonio Evora Writer
Florencia Franceschetti
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Elizabeth Hanly Writer
Shanieya Harris Writer
Maité Hernández-Lorenzo
Taima Hervas Writer
Jonel Juste Writer
Jordan Levin Writer
Gina Margillo Writer
Douglas Markowitz Writer
Dennys Matos Writer
Sergy Odiduro Writer
Helena Alonso Paisley Writer
Erin Parish
Gina Perez Writer
Guillermo Perez Writer
Deborah Ramirez Writer
Vanessa Reyes Writer
Alejandro Rios Writer
Miguel Sirgado Writer
Michelle F. Solomon Editor & Writer
Sebastián Spreng Writer
Orlando Taquechel Editor & Writer
Elisa Turner Writer
Jesús Vega Writer
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