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Three women artists – Nina Surel, Joyce Billet and Jillian Mayer – who all came together for a 2023 exhibition in the Miami Design District during Women’s History Month are back showcasing their work in the District.
Film interns of A4L Miami’s ArtWorks program produced a short film based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, writing, directing and producing the
New Executive Director focused on “making it larger, more accessible... and unforgettable.”
Focus is to intertwine the concern for nature and our relation to it, expressed within the possibilities of experimental cinema.
Juggerknot Theater offers workshops as a way to expand and nurture the great immersive work being produced in Miami.
Innovative underwater project combines art and science to promote ecotourism and serve an ecological purpose.
A state-of-the-art building that is inviting and calming, while providing stellar improvements in Cancer patient care through the Arts.
New film installation connects the history of sunken slave ships to contemporary issues through the choreographed movement of a "water dancer" symbolizing defiance and uprising.
These celebrated Miami-Dade County arts institutions shared in awards totaling $100,000 from the PNC Arts Alive Grant for the 2023-24 season.
Terrence Pride's inspiring journey from dancer to performing arts and educational leader began when he was cast in a speaking role for 'Gypsy'.
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